Contact Info
2455 Hwy. 141
Trout Lake, WA 98650
- Phone:
- 509-395-3400
- Location:
- Trailhead located along McClellan Meadows Sno-Park, (Road 3053).
- Length:
- 17.3 miles
- Difficulty:
- Difficult
- Elevation Range:
- 3000 feet to 4000 feet
- Elevation Change:
- 1000 feet
- Usage:
- Medium
- Season:
- December 1 to April 1 / May 1 to November 1
From McClellan Meadows Sno-Park ski 1 1/2 miles south on Road 3053 to the trailhead at the end of the road. Steep grades, unbridged stream crossings and the length make this a challenging trail for skiers with excellent skills. A detailed topographic map and compass are needed for this trail, since it is not groomed. Mileage: 3.1 from trail No. 157 to Forest Road 65, 14 miles trail No. 157-Forest Road 65-trail No. 159 loop 4.